
At People Prime Worldwide, we specialize in finding the best Java developers for your company. Java is a powerful programming language used in many types of software, from large business systems to mobile apps. We have a decade of expertise and understanding of all aspects of Java, including core Java, Java EE, Spring Framework, Hibernate, JavaFX, and Java ME. Whether you need developers for backend, frontend, or full-stack projects, we can help you find the perfect people to make your projects successful. Partner with us to get the best Java talent and take your technology solutions to the next level.


Java Skill Sets

Core Java

Core Java, Basic Syntax, Object-Oriented Programming, Exception Handling...


Core Java - Technologies/Concepts

  • Core Java,
  • Basic Syntax,
  • Object-Oriented Programming,
  • Exception Handling,
  • Collections Framework,
  • Multithreading,
  • I/O Streams,
  • Functional Interfaces
  • Networking,
  • Generics,
  • Lambda Expressions

Advanced Java

Java EE Servlets, JavaServer Pages (JSP), Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB), Java Message Service (JMS)...


Advanced Java - Technologies/Concepts

  • Java EE (Enterprise Edition)
  • Servlets,
  • JavaServer Pages (JSP),
  • Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB),
  • Java Message Service (JMS)
  • Java API for RESTful Web Services (JAX-RS),
  • Java API for XML Web Services (JAX-WS),
  • Contexts and Dependency Injection (CDI),
  • Java Persistence API (JPA),
  • Java Transaction API (JTA),
  • JavaMail,
  • Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI)
  • Web Technologies
  • JavaServer Faces (JSF),
  • Thymeleaf,
  • Apache Struts
  • Spring Framework
  • Spring Core,
  • Spring MVC,
  • Spring Boot,
  • Spring Security,
  • Spring Data,
  • Spring Cloud
  • Hibernate
  • ORM Concepts,
  • Session Management,
  • Transaction Management,
  • Query Language (HQL),
  • Criteria API
  • Microservices
  • Spring Boot,
  • Spring Cloud,
  • Netflix OSS,
  • Docker,
  • Kubernetes
  • Testing
  • JUnit,
  • TestNG,
  • Mockito,
  • Selenium

Java for Game Development

Lightweight Java Game Library (LWJGL), jMonkeyEngine, libGDX...


Java for Game Development - Technologies/Concepts

  • Lightweight Java Game Library (LWJGL),
  • jMonkeyEngine,
  • libGDX,

Mobile and Embedded Java

Servlets, JavaServer Pages (JSP), Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB), Java Message Service (JMS)...


Mobile and Embedded Java - Technologies/Concepts

  • Java EE (Enterprise Edition)
  • Servlets,
  • JavaServer Pages (JSP),
  • Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB),
  • Java Message Service (JMS),
  • Java ME (Micro Edition)
  • MIDP (Mobile Information Device Profile),
  • CLDC (Connected Limited Device Configuration),
  • JavaFX Mobile
  • Android Development
  • Android SDK,
  • Jetpack Components,
  • Material Design

Java for Big Data

Apache Hadoop, Apache Spark, Apache Kafka, Apache Flink, Java Data Mining (JDM) API...


Java for Big Data - Technologies/Concepts

  • Apache Hadoop,
  • Apache Spark,
  • Apache Kafka,
  • Apache Flink,
  • Java Data Mining (JDM) API

Java for Cloud Computing

Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Microsoft Azure, AWS Lambda, Google App Engine...


Java for Cloud Computing - Technologies/Concepts

  • Cloud Platforms
  • Amazon Web Services (AWS),
  • Google Cloud Platform (GCP),
  • Microsoft Azure
  • Cloud Services
  • AWS Lambda,
  • Google App Engine,
  • Azure Functions
  • DevOps
  • Jenkins,
  • Docker,
  • Kubernetes,
  • Ansible

Java for AI and ML

Deeplearning4j, Weka, Java-ML, Apache Mahout, TensorFlow for Java...


Java for AI and ML - Technologies/Concepts

  • Deeplearning4j,
  • Weka,
  • Java-ML,
  • Apache Mahout,
  • TensorFlow for Java,

Java for Internet of Things

Java ME Embedded, Eclipse IoT, Pi4J (Java for Raspberry Pi), MQTT...


Java for Internet of Things - Technologies/Concepts

  • Java ME Embedded,
  • Eclipse IoT,
  • Pi4J (Java for Raspberry Pi),
  • MQTT

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